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Can Loneliness Evolve into Belonging?

It's Loneliness Awareness Week and we're asking the million dollar question; can loneliness become belonging?

How long does it take? What needs to happen first? Who’s responsibility is it? Where will it happen? Do we need lots of best-friends, or many smaller connections? Would we rather feel needed? Will there be biscuits?

How can our neighbourhoods become hives of inclusive and purposeful activities that everyone can contribute to?

We're inviting anyone who is interested in these questions to join the conversations we are having at the Feeling Connected project.

These discussions are the launch-pad for taking action on a neighbourhood level to increase connectedness. We want to support anyone with a passion for bringing people together, to start something where they live; be it a simple activity, a small group or a one-off event.

We will provide training, mentoring, help with funding and guidance on how to make things happen.

The starting point is always a conversation about loneliness and belonging

Here are three ways to get involved:

  1. Drop into our community space in the centre of Chesterfield called The Hub @ Low Pavement during Loneliness Awareness Week for a lunchtime chat - Mon, Tues, Wed or Thurs (12-15 June) 61 New Square, Chesterfield S40 1PA

  2. Participate in one of our free Connectedness Workshops. Find out what, where and when and book your place here

  3. Join us the Feeling Connected Family Facebook Group here

Let's Stay Connected! Get all the Feeling Connected news and updates, including invitations to our Feeling Connected Social events direct to your inbox - sign up here

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