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Be part of the solution
There's a multitude of ways each of us can make a positive difference in reducing isolation and loneliness.
And we believe everyone has something they can contribute, whatever role they play.
We can help you find out how to get involved where you live, using your skills, passions and energy.
Join the Feeling Connected Family
Be part of a growing and supportive network dedicated to tackling loneliness and isolation across Chesterfield and North East Derbyshire.
We call this network the Feeling Connected Family.
The main aim of the Feeling Connected Family is to help develop and support people who want to make a direct difference where they live.
Find out more here
Organise a group, project or event
Creating opportunities for social connection doesn't have to be complicated.
If you've got an idea that helps to reduce loneliness where you live, we'd love to help you get started.
There are so many ways to create a feeling of belonging.
From social gatherings with your neighbours to regular activity or support groups, community projects or events.
We can help you make it manageable for you and meaningful for your community.
Find out how we can help you here>
Learn more about loneliness and what we can do about it
Making a difference starts with understanding the issues and challenges from different perspectives.
Join us at one of our Loneliness: Making a Difference events
See dates and locations here>
Volunteer with an organisation
Looking for a volunteering opportunity with an established organisation?
The best place to find the perfect one for you one is at the Volunteer Centre.
Click here to see the wide range of volunteering opportunities available across Chesterfield and North East Derbyshire
Offering your time to befriend someone experiencing loneliness is a wonderful way to make your contribution​
Here are two great organisations offering a befriending service
Contact them directly to find out more
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